- May 05 Thu 2022 03:15
Spatial Modelling for Data Scientists
- 全站分類:數位生活
- 個人分類:數據科學
- 此分類上一篇: Introduction to Modern Statistics
- 此分類下一篇: Data Science in a Box
- 上一篇: Introduction to Modern Statistics
- 下一篇: Data Science in a Box
- 2022: 技術士考試題庫:01500 -冷作 丙級 術科
- 2022: 技術士考試題庫:01500 -冷作 丙級 學科
- 2022: 技術士考試題庫:01500 -冷作 乙級 術科
- 2022: 技術士考試題庫:01500 -冷作 乙級 學科
- 2022: 技術士考試題庫:01500 -冷作 甲級 術科
- 2022: 技術士考試題庫:01500 -冷作 甲級 學科
- 2022: Understanding Big Data: Analytics for Hadoop and Streaming Data
- 2022: Data Blending For Dummies
- 2022: Data Mining Applications in Engineering and Medicine
- 2022: Think Data Structures
- 2022: SQL Server Backup and Restore
- 2022: Making Sense of Stream Processing: Behind Apache Kafka
- 2022: Data Visualization in Society
- 2022: Algorithms Notes for Professionals
- 2022: Global Optimization Algorithms: Theory and Application
- 2022: Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms
- 2022: Exploring Math for Programmers and Data Scientists
- 2022: Exploring the data jungle
- 2022: Exploring Data Science
- 2022: Exploring the Data Jungle
- 2022: Machine Learning for Data Streams: Practical Examples in MOA
- 2022: Understanding Databases
- 2022: Exploring Data Science with Python
- 2022: Exploring Streaming Data Analysis
- 2022: A Genetic Algorithm Tutorial
- 2022: Mathematical Foundations of Data Sciences
- 2022: Statistics With Julia
- 2022: Mathematics of Data Science
- 2022: Hands-on Machine Learning and Big Data
- 2022: Crash Course on Basic Statistics
- 2022: Modern Data Science for Modern Biology
- 2022: The Field Guide of Data Science
- 2022: Scipy Lecture Notes
- 2022: Inductive Logic Programming: Techniques and Applications
- 2022: Knowledge-Oriented Applications in Data Mining
- 2022: Knowledge-Oriented Applications in Data Mining
- 2022: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Real Life Applications
- 2022: The SysAdmin Handbook
- 2022: Conversations On Data Science
- 2022: Applied Data Science
- 2022: Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning
- 2022: Advanced Linear Models for Data Science
- 2022: Data Science: An Introduction
- 2022: Data Science: An Introduction WikiBook
- 2022: Theory and Applications for Advanced Text Mining
- 2022: Disruptive Possibilities: How Big Data Changes Everything
- 2022: Introduction to Statistical Thought
- 2022: The Art of Data Science
- 2022: Data Jujitsu: The Art of Turning Data into Product
- 2022: An Introduction to Data Science
- 2022: OpenIntro Statistics, 4th Edition
- 2022: Data Driven: Creating a Data Culture
- 2022: Causal Inference: What If
- 2022: Statistical Inference for Data Science
- 2022: PostgreSQL Notes for Professionals
- 2022: Introduction to Social Network Methods
- 2022: MySQL Notes for Professionals
- 2022: Analyzing Linguistic Data: A Practical Introduction to Statistics
- 2022: Oracle Database Notes for Professionals
- 2022: Ethics and Data Science
- 2022: SQL Notes for Professionals
- 2022: Genetic Programming: New Approaches and Successful Applications
- 2022: The Element of Data Analytic Style
- 2022: Fundamental Numerical Methods and Data Analysis
- 2022: Data Science: Theories, Models, Algorithms, and Analytics
- 2022: A Programmer’s Guide to Data Mining
- 2022: Modeling with Data: Tools and Techniques for Scientific Computing
- 2022: Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction
- 2022: Bayesian Methods for Hackers: Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Inference
- 2022: Statistical Learning with Sparsity: The Lasso and Generalizations
- 2022: Introduction to Information Retrieval
- 2022: Advanced Data Analysis from an Elementary Point of View
- 2022: D3 Tips and Tricks
- 2022: Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
- 2022: Modeling with Data: Tools and Techniques for Scientific Computing
- 2022: Automate the Boring Stuff with Python: Practical Programming for Total Beginners
- 2022: Open Data Structures: An Introduction
- 2022: 21 Recipes for Mining Twitter Data with rtweet
- 2022: Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Third Edition
- 2022: The Tidyverse Cookbook
- 2022: Data Mining and Analysis: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms
- 2022: Foundations of Data Science
- 2022: Think Stats: Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
- 2022: The Data Science Design Manual
- 2022: Social Media Mining: An Introduction
- 2022: Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning
- 2022: Statistics in Plain English
- 2022: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python
- 2022: Open Data Structures: An Introduction
- 2022: Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce
- 2022: Happy Git and GitHub for the useR
- 2022: Modern Statistics with R From wrangling and exploring data to inference and predictive modelling
- 2022: Data Science in a Box
- 2022: Introduction to Modern Statistics
- 2022: Model-Based Clustering and Classification for Data Science
- 2022: Computer Age Statistical Inference
- 2022: Introduction to Probability for Data Science
- 2022: The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction
- 2022: Introduction to Probability
- 2022: Computational and Inferential Thinking: The Foundations of Data Science